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Tiara Kasih Christian School

Crowning the Next Generations

At Tiara Kasih Christian School, we believe in providing our students with a holistic education focusing on spiritual growth, character development, and academic excellence. Since our establishment in 1997, Tiara Kasih has earned a reputation as one of the best-managed Christian schools in West Jakarta. Our "A" accreditation is a testament to the quality of our programs and our commitment to providing a safe and nurturing learning environment for our students.


To be an exceptional Christian educational institution in Faith, Character, and Knowledge.


To carry out holistic learning that produces students who love God, have commendable characters, and have high achievements.

Core Verse

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-39 NIV


Love God, Love Your Parents, Love the Others, Love Peace, Love to Learn and Work Hard.

Commited for the Best

Our Leaders & Principals

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Funny Esther

Founder & School Coordinator

Octaviana Hermansyah

Primary Principal

Beti Sukmawati

Senior High Principal

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Lusia Dwiningsih

Preschool Principal (TSI)

Dessy Sitorus

Junior High Principal

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Mahrany Suryanto

Preschool Principal (GLC, PM)

The Life of Tikazen

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